Freedom to “Freedom” of Freedom

Many people don’t understand the significance and meaning of freedom because they have been socially conditioned and hopelessly inured to defend the idea of authoritarianism. Discoursing with them about the rational calculation of freedom is like playing chess with a pigeon. No offence intended. They believe that freedom doesn’t work…

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“Hindu Society” Terrorization

This transpositional article decodes some [salient] mainstream narratives on conventional Hindu-ism. I suggest you to read/share/review it, only when you’re cognitively capable to comprehend the analysis, otherwise there isn’t any obligation to cry “political correctness”, sentiments are hurt, etc. This article doesn’t refute any polemic or disputable claims regarding casteism,…

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Sentiments are hurt?

Senti-mental people are the greatest threat to the principles of life and liberty, today. Historically speaking, sentimental people have committed various atrocities against deviants. In the current scenario, they have become more dangerous than wild animals. In my view, the crux of the predicament isn’t “sentiment”. It’s basically an incoherent…

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